About Us

Garden State Walk to Emmaus is made up of a community of believers that have attended an Emmaus weekend, called a “Walk” referring to the walk to Emmaus that Cleopas and his friend took with Jesus (Luke 24:13-35).  The community is organized through a board of directors selected from its membership.  As a grassroots organization, we follow the guidelines set forth in the publications supplied by the Upper Room, to which the board has signed a covenant to uphold.  This is to ensure that the persons Emmaus experience is the same whether they are male or female, from New Jersey or elsewhere in the country or world.

The three day weekend is a person’s introduction into the Emmaus Community.  A person’s life after their weekend is called their Fourth Day.  The life, study and action tools shared on the weekend are a guide to the ones Fourth Day.  These tools equip Emmaus members to be strong Christian leaders in their church, their home, their workplace and in the Emmaus community.

During their Fourth Day, community members are encouraged to attend weekly accountability groups, called “Reunions”, and larger monthly regional “Gatherings” which includes a meal, praise and worship, communion, and training.  Community members are also asked to support the Walk weekend experiences through sponsoring, prayers and by working on the weekend.

Teenagers have their own version of the three day experience called Chrysalis.  More information can be found at Garden State Lighthouse Chrysalis website.

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